import shutil # Library For Work With File In High Level Like Copy
import webbrowser
from params import *
import socket
import requests
import re
import time
import sys
import urllib.request
import platform
import random
meta_input = ""
def convert_bytes(num):
""" convert num to idiomatic byte unit
:param num: the input number.
for x in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']:
if num < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x)
num /= 1024.0
def file_size():
""" Print the size of output file
list_of_files = os.listdir(out_dir)
response = 0
for file in list_of_files:
file_info = os.stat(os.path.join(out_dir, file))
response += file_info.st_size
print_line(70, "*")
print("Used Space --> " + convert_bytes(response))
print_line(70, "*")
def download_badge(address):
""" Download badge for website
:param address: the address that should get badge
r = requests.get(address, stream=True)
with open(os.path.join(image_dir, "badge.svg"), 'wb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)
def random_badge_color():
"""return a random color for badge
random_index = random.randint(0, len(badge_color_list) - 1)
return badge_color_list[random_index]
def system_details():
""" Show detail of system that code is runnig on
return platform.node() + " , " + platform.processor() + " , " + platform.platform()
def generation_time(time_1=None):
""" Calculate the generation time
:param time_1: time that passed but not counted in generation time
:return :the amount of time that passed .
if time_1 is None:
return time.perf_counter()
return time.perf_counter() - time_1
def find_global_ip():
""" Find the ip for use in API
:return: return the IP.
response = requests.get(ip_finder_api)
return response.text[:-1]
return ""
def create_badge(subject="qpage", status=version, color="blue", random=False):
if random:
color = random_badge_color()
if color not in badge_color_list:
color = "orange"
badge_adr = adv_badge_static + subject + "-" + status + "-" + color + '.svg'
if internet():
return os.path.join(image_dir, "badge.svg")
return badge_adr
def is_sample_downloaded():
""" Check the sample site material is downloaded
:return : list of the materials
download_list = []
if "profile.png" not in os.listdir(image_dir):
if "font.TTF" not in os.listdir(font_dir):
if "resume.pdf" not in os.listdir(doc_dir) and "resume.txt" not in os.listdir(doc_dir):
download_list.extend([2, 3])
if "icon.ico" not in os.listdir(image_dir):
return download_list
def download_lorem():
""" Download the lorem file
if internet():
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "Latin-Lipsum.txt")
print("Error In Download Lorem")
def read_lorem(char=100):
""" find and read lorem
:param char: the amount of char that needed
:return : the lorme string
if "Latin-Lipsum.txt" not in os.listdir(work_dir):
lorem_file = open("Latin-Lipsum.txt", "r")
lorem_text =
return " ".join(lorem_text.split(" ")[:char])
return None
def sample_site_download(item_list):
"""Download sample material for make a fake site
:param item_list: Download items form item_list
if internet():
for i in item_list:
print("Downloading " + sample_dict_message[i] + " . . . [" + str(i + 1) + "/5]")
os.path.join(image_dir, list(sample_dict_addr.keys())[i]))
print("Done! All Material Downloaded")
print("Error In Internet Connection!")
print("Error in downloading sample files check your internet conection")
def logger(status=False, perf_time=None):
"""Show the log of the app
:param status: show status of app.
:param perf_time : show the time passed for generate files
file = open("build_log.txt", "a")
if not status:
file.write("Failed " + str( + "\n")
file.write("Success " + str( + "\n")
file.write("Generation Time: " + str(perf_time) + "\n")
def print_line(number, char="-"):
""" Print a Line
:param number: the amount char that in lien
:param char : the char that used to draw line
line = ""
for i in range(number):
line += char
def name_standard(name):
""" return the Standard version of the input word
:param name: the name that should be standard
:return name: the standard form of word
reponse_name = name[0].upper() + name[1:].lower()
return reponse_name
def address_print():
"""Print the working directory
print_line(70, "*")
print("Where --> " + work_dir)
print_line(70, "*")
def create_folder():
"""This Function Create Empty Folder At Begin
folder_flag = 0
list_of_folders = os.listdir(work_dir)
for i in ["doc", "image", "output", "font"]:
if i not in list_of_folders:
folder_flag += 1
if i == "doc":
file = open(os.path.join(doc_dir, "index.txt"), "w")
if read_lorem() is None:
file.write("This is For First Page . . .")
return bool(folder_flag)
def page_name_update():
"""This Function Update Page Names
for i in os.listdir(doc_dir):
if i.find(".txt") != -1 and i[:-4].upper() != "INDEX":
def menu_maker():
"""Top Menu Maker In each html page
result = "<center>"
for i,item in enumerate(page_name):
if item == "Home":
targets_blank = ""
targets_blank = 'target="blank"'
# Hyper Link To Each Page In HTML File
result += '\t<a href="' \
+ actual_name[i] + '.html"' + targets_blank + '>' + name_standard(item) + "</a>\n"
result += " \n"
result += "</center>"
result = result + "\t\t" + break_line # Add Break line to End Of The Menu
return result # Return All Of The Menu
def menu_writer(): #
"""Write menu_maker output in html and close file after
message = menu_maker()
for i,item in enumerate(page_name):
file = open(os.path.join(out_dir, actual_name[i] + ".html"), "a")
def print_meta():
"""Add meta to html files
:return static_meta: The meta that created
global meta_input
meta_input = input("Please Enter Your Name : ")
static_meta = '<meta name="description" content="Welcome to homepage of ' + meta_input + '"/>\n'
static_meta += '<meta property="og:title" content="' + meta_input + '"/>\n'
static_meta += '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' + meta_input + '"/>\n'
static_meta += '<meta property="og:image" content="favicon.ico" />\n'
if len(meta_input) < 4:
warnings.append("[Warning] Your input for name is too short!!")
return static_meta
def html_init(name):
"""Create Initial Form Of each Html Page Like Title And HTML And Body Tag.
:param name: the name of html file.
html_name = os.path.join(out_dir, name + ".html")
file = open(html_name, "w")
if name == "index":
file.write("\t\t<title>Welcome To My Homepage</title>\n")
file.write("\t\t<title>" + name_standard(name) + "</title>\n")
file.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css"/>\n')
css_link = ''
file.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href= ' + css_link + ' type="text/style"/>\n')
if name == 'index': # Add meta only for index page
file.write('\t<body class="body_tag">\n')
def html_end(name):
"""Create End Of The Html and close file
:param name: The name of html file.
html_name = os.path.join(out_dir, name + ".html")
file = open(html_name, "a")
def close_files():
"""Close all the files.
for i in files:
if i.closed==False:
def LSM_translate(line, center):
# TODO : write a document for this function
""" ????
:param line: the input line.
:param center: put it in center
:return : return a list contain text header end and header begin
text = line
header_start = '<h4 class="color_tag">'
header_end = "</h4>"
if line.find("[L]") != -1:
header_start = '<h2 class="color_tag">'
header_end = "</h2>"
text = line[3:]
elif line.find("[S]") != -1:
header_start = '<h5 class="color_tag">'
header_end = "</h5>"
text = line[3:]
elif line.find("[M]") != -1:
text = line[3:]
if center: # Centuries Text If Condition Is True For Manual Centering
header_start = "<center>" + header_start
header_end += "</center>"
if text.find("[center]") != -1: # Find Center Tag In Each Line
header_start = "<center>" + header_start
header_end += "</center>"
text = text[:text.find("[center]")]
return [text, header_end, header_start]
def print_text(text_file, file, center=False, close=False): # Write Text Part Of Each Page
"""Write the text part of each page
:param text_file: Text tha should be written.
:param file : The file that text will be written inside.
:param center : put the text in center.
:param close : close file after done editing
:type close : bool
:type center: bool
text_code = ""
for line in text_file:
if len(line) == 1:
text_code = space
text_header = LSM_translate(line, center)
text = text_header[0]
header_end = text_header[1]
header_start = text_header[2]
text_code = header_start + text + header_end + "\n"
if close:
def print_image(file, image_format="jpg", close=False):
"""Write Image Part OF The Page.
:param file: The file that images will be added.
:param close : close file after done editing.
:param image_format: the format of image
:type close : bool
for i,item in enumerate(size_box):
print(i, "-", item)
image_size = int(input("Please Enter Profile Image Size : ")) # Choose Profile Image Size
image_size_string = size_box[2] # Getting Html String From size_box list default mode (Medium)
if 0 <= image_size < len(size_box):
image_size_string = size_box[image_size]
image_code = '<center><img src="image.' + image_format + '"' + ', width=' + image_size_string + ' alt="profile image"></img></center>\n'
if close:
def print_download(file, name, link, center=False, close=False):
""" Create Download Link in page
:param file: The file that contain html of page.
:param name: The name of the link
:param link: The place that name is Linked
:param center: put the text in center
:param close : close file after done editing
:type center: bool
:type close : bool
link_code = "<a href=" + '"' + link + '"' + target_blank + '>' + name + "</a>"
if center:
link_code = "<center>" + link_code + "</center>"
file.write(link_code + "\n")
if close:
def print_adv(file, close=True):
""" Print the advertisement.
:param file : The file that should ad to it.
:param close : Close file after add ad
'<center>' + "<p>" + "Generated " + today_time + " By" + "</p>" + '<a href=' + '"' + homepage + '"' + target_blank + '>' + '<img src="' + create_badge(
random=True) + '"alt="Qpage">' + '</a> </center>')
if close:
def build_index(file):
""" Find and build index page
:param file: The index file.
image_name = ""
img_format = "jpg"
file_of_images = os.listdir(image_dir)
for i in file_of_images:
for form in imformat_box:
if i.find("." + form) != -1:
image_name = os.path.join(image_dir, i)
img_format = form
global image_counter
image_counter = 1
shutil.copyfile(image_name, os.path.join(out_dir, "image." + img_format))
print_image(file, img_format)
def build_resume(file):
""" Find and build resume page.
:param file: The resume file.
resume_name = ""
file_of_docs = os.listdir(doc_dir)
for i in file_of_docs:
if i.find(".pdf") != -1:
resume_name = os.path.join(doc_dir, i)
global pdf_counter
pdf_counter = 1
shutil.copyfile(resume_name, os.path.join(out_dir, "Resume.pdf"))
print_download(file, "Download Full Version", "Resume.pdf", center=True)
def contain(name):
"""main function That Open Each Page HTML File and call other function to write data in it
:param name: the name of the file that should be written
file = open(os.path.join(out_dir, name + ".html"), "a")
text_file = open(os.path.join(doc_dir, name + ".txt"), "r")
if name.upper() == "INDEX":
elif name.upper() == "RESUME":
print_text(text_file, file)
if name.upper() == "INDEX":
def clear_folder(path):
"""This Function Get Path Of Foldr And Delete Its Contains
:param path: the path that gonna be deleted.
if os.path.exists(path):
list_of_files = os.listdir(path)
for file in list_of_files:
os.remove(os.path.join(path, file))
def print_warning():
""" Print Warinigns!
print(str(len(warnings)) + " Warning , 0 Error")
for i,item in enumerate(warnings):
print(str(i + 1) + "-" + item)
def get_color_code():
"""Ask for selecting color of text and background
:return list: background and text color
for i,item in enumerate(color_box):
print(i, "-", item)
back_color_code = int(input("Please enter your background color : "))
if back_color_code not in range(7):
back_color_code = 0
text_color_code = int(input("Please enter your text color : "))
if text_color_code not in range(7):
text_color_code = 1
return [back_color_code, text_color_code]
def color_code_map():
""" Check and insert colors that is chosen.
:return list: background and text color
[back_color_code, text_color_code] = get_color_code()
if text_color_code == back_color_code:
warnings.append(warning_dict["color_warning"] + " Your text color and background color are same!!")
background_color = color_box[back_color_code] # convert code to color string in color_box
text_color = color_box[text_color_code] # convert code to color string in color_box
return [background_color, text_color]
def css_font(font_folder):
""" Search and file all fonts.
:param font_folder: the folder to search.
:return list : font_flag and the current format
font_flag = 0 # 0 If there is no font file in font_folder
current_font_format = None
for i in font_folder:
for j in font_format: # search for other font format in font box
if i.lower().find(j) != -1: # If there is a font in font folder
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(font_dir, i),
os.path.join(out_dir, "qpage" + j)) # copy font file to output folder
font_flag = 1 # Turn Flag On
current_font_format = j # font format of current selected font for css editing
return [font_flag, current_font_format]
def font_creator(css_file, font_section):
""" Ask and Select font.
:param css_file: the file that font css will be added to.
:param font_section: the font section of css file
:return font_section: the font section of css after edit
font_folder = os.listdir(font_dir)
details = css_font(font_folder)
current_font_format = details[1]
font_flag = details[0]
if font_flag == 1: # check flag if it is 1
+ current_font_format
+ ");\n}\n") # Write font-face in html
font_section = "font-family:qpagefont;\n" # Update Font Section For Body Tag
for i,item in enumerate(fontstyle_box):
print(i, "-", item)
font_style = int(input(" Please choose your font style "))
if font_style < len(fontstyle_box):
font_style = fontstyle_box[font_style]
font_style = "normal"
font_section = font_section + "font-style:" + font_style + ";\n"
warnings.append(warning_dict["font_warning"] + " There is no specific font set for this website!!")
return font_section
def css_creator():
"""Ask For background and text color in and make css """
font_section = 'font-family : Georgia , serif;\n'
colors = color_code_map()
background_color = colors[0]
text_color = colors[1]
css_file = open(os.path.join(out_dir, "styles.css"), "w") # open css file
font_section = font_creator(css_file, font_section)
+ "background-color:"
+ background_color
+ ";\n"
+ font_section
+ css_margin
+ css_animation_1
+ "}\n") # write body tag
css_file.write(".color_tag{\n" + "color:" + text_color + ";\n}") # write color_tag in css
css_file.close() # close css file
def preview():
"""Preview website in browser """
# TODO: not working on unix, "index.html"))
def error_finder():
""" Check and find error that display it"""
error_vector = []
pass_vector = []
pdf_counter = 0
#image_list = os.listdir(image_dir)
doc_list = os.listdir(doc_dir)
if image_counter == 1:
pass_vector.append("[Pass] Your profile image in OK!!")
error_vector.append(error_dict["image_error"] + " Your profile image is not in correct format")
if len(doc_list) == 0:
error_vector.append(error_dict["empty_error"] + "There is no file in doc folder ( index.txt and .pdf file in "
if "index.txt" in doc_list:
pass_vector.append("[Pass] index.txt file OK!")
error_vector.append(error_dict["firstpage_error"] + " index.txt is not in doc folder!")
if pdf_counter == 0:
error_vector.append(error_dict["resume_error"] + "[Error] Where Is Your Resume File? It should be in doc "
pass_vector.append("[Pass] Your Resume File is OK!!")
return [error_vector, pass_vector]
def icon_creator():
""" Find .ico file and use it as favicon of website."""
icon_flag = 0
for file in os.listdir(image_dir):
if file.endswith('ico'):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(image_dir, file), out_dir)
os.rename(os.path.join(out_dir, file), os.path.join(out_dir, 'favicon.ico'))
icon_flag = 1
if "favicon.ico" in os.listdir(work_dir) and icon_flag == 0:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(work_dir, "favicon.ico"), out_dir)
warnings.append(warning_dict["icon_warning"] + " There is no icon for this website")
def robot_maker():
""" Create Robots.txt for pages """
robots = open(os.path.join(out_dir, "robots.txt"), "w")
robots.write("User-agent: *\n")
robots.write("Disallow: ")
def internet(host="", port=53, timeout=3):
""" Check Internet Connections.
:param host: the host that check connection to
:param port: port that check connection with
:param timeout: times that check the connnection
:return bool: True if Connection is Stable
socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect((host, port))
return True
except Exception as ex:
return False
def server():
"""Get Server response."""
#global meta_input
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', "NAME": meta_input, "Version": version, "SYSTEM": system_details(),
"IP": find_global_ip()}
response = requests.get(server_api, headers=headers)
if response.status_code==200:
print("Installed Saved!")
def version_control():
""" Check and update Versions. """
# print("Check for new version . . .")
# print_line(70)
version_pattern = r"last_version:(.+)"
if internet():
response = requests.get("")
body = response.text
last_version = float(re.findall(version_pattern, body)[0][:-3])
if last_version > float(version):
print("**New Version Of Qpage Is Available Now (Version " + str(last_version) + ")**")
print("Download Link -->" + "" + str(
last_version) + ".zip")
# TODO : fix version control else
# print("Already Updated!!!")
# print_line(70)
def enter_to_exit():
"""Quit Project by pressing a key.
print_line(70, "*")
response = input("Enter [R] for restart Qpage and any other key to exit : ")
if response.upper() != "R":
def wait_func(iteration):
"""Wait for-in range Iteration.
:param iteration: the amount of wait.
for _ in range(iteration):